What is an Architect?
This is a question that you would think would be clearly evident after graduating from a prestigious architectural program and working in an international design studio.
Well…the lines had become blurred.
Shortly after graduating and immersing myself in the work force, I found that the industry creating the built environment had become confused on the subject.
The actual role, meaning and accountability of the Architect of old had been markedly deviated from–resulting in confusion, inefficiency, wastage and dismay.
Let us define it here.
“Architect” defined:
The root of the word architect breaks down into “chief” or “master” (arkhi) and “builder” (tekton). Archi and tekton come from the ancient Greek language, which further originated as far back as 3,000 BC.
This role was originally recorded in Kemet—northern Africa.
For thousands of years Architects were fully responsible for the entirety of a building project—from its initial concept, design and then its full construction down to the last nail.
I cover this further in this short film:
So the actual role of the Architect is to be FULLY responsible for the creation of the work.
Not only the artist at the canvas, but the individual fully responsible for the build.
Architect = Master Builder
The inherent beauty and power of this concept created breathtaking and meaningful buildings across the landscape of mankind for thousands of years.
It was arbitrarily fractured in the mid 1800s in an arbitrary push for prestige and power by the original founders of the AIA.
And thus Architect became Designer.
Divorced from the fundamentals of the trades and actual building upon which this beautiful role and hat has existed since time immemorial.
I’ve researched this subject avidly for the past 5-6 years, looking, researching and interviewing. I’ve written one book on the subject and I am now writing my second.
There are many wonderful Architects in Boston.
My recommendation after twenty years in this business handling high end home design and remodels across Boston’s Metrowest and the GBA is simply to find and use an individual or firm versed in Architectural Design Build.
By Architectural Design Build I mean the system and approach that is fully conversant with and responsible for BUILDING as well as the architectural and interior design.
A fractured arrangement of responsibility with design separated from build leaves the client in the middle–tasked by default with ensuring his project is a success: on time, budget and of expected quality.
With single source accountability combined with creative talent and technical mastery–everyone will win.
David Muniz Supple
CEO New England Design & Construction
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