Old brass doorknobs? Shine ’em up!
photocred: amandabhslater on flickr
Brass is back!

photo: bitjungle on flickr
I know many people are muffling their woes on having gotten rid of the “hideous brass fixtures” in their home, because brass is returning to the interior design scene with a vengeance as one of the hottest design trends in 2013, and carrying over in to 2014. Adding a classy touch to metals, brass is popping up in kitchens, baths, home decor ! I’ve seen beautiful brass pictures cropping up all across the internet: check out my Pinterest for a few favorites. There are quite a few blogs and articles out there promoting the beauty of the somewhat vintage material, and a lot of high profile projects are taking the details on. We have yet to convince a client to invest in the brassy beauty, but they add a bit of old world glamour to any room.
Check out a few of these published articles with some stunning pictures of brass in action :
Elle Decor
House Beautiful
MSN Living
M{Pression (really beautiful pictures on this blog!)