February 8, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

 One year ago, on Superbowl Sunday I cooked my last dinner in our old kitchen!  About a year ago, we had made so many decisions about cabinets, knobs, appliances, granite, flooring, lights, tile, kitchen sinks, windows, doors, air conditioners and so many other things.

One year ago we said goodbye to white cabinets and blue counter tops.

We said goodbye to a junk drawer that never opened.

We said goodbye to our back pantry that was falling apart.

We said goodbye to the red door that was hard to open.

We said goodbye to the old kitchen.

We said HELLO to a temporary sink in the living room.

We said HELLO to two kids living in one small bedroom.

We said HELLO to our new temporary kitchen in the dining room.  Where we ate waffles once a week.

We used the bread machine a lot.

And then on Mother’s Day 2012, a beautiful kitchen was presented.








Stephanie’s tid bits





Published February 8, 2013 | By